







9th German-African Healthcare Forum
"Building Healthcare Resilience in Africa:
Trends and Partnerships

Frankfurt am Main (Hilton Hotel)
June 19th, 2024

Sustainable healthcare for all is an essential prerequisite for a sustainable global future. Nevertheless, many African countries still face the challenge of providing adequate responses to their medical needs. Building quality healthcare systems  requires proactive action by policymakers and economic stakeholders. African countries need global commitment and mutual support through strong partnerships and robust health emergency response mechanisms to move towards a more resilient and secure healthcare system.

The Afrika-Verein (German-african Business Association) and the German Health Alliance (GHA) invite you to the 9th edition of the German-African Healthcare Forum.
Under the topic "Building Healthcare Resilience in Africa: Trends and Partnerships", the forum will gather around 200 healthcare stakeholders, decision makers, representatives of governments, healthcare industry, NGOs from Africa and Europe etc. for a whole day discussions on:

•    Global Partnership (Do we need healthcare partnerships?)
•    Healthcare infrastructure
•    Skills development & workforce in the medical sector
•    E-Health
(AI; E-Mobility)
•    Pharma (Drugs, Biotechnology & Generic drugs)
•    Strengthening Local Value chains
•    Non-Communicable Diseases
•    Women’s Health
•    Financing Healthcare projects
(Regulatory framework & implementation)

Please find the draft program via the menue above. Registration is also available via the menue or directly here.

You are welcome to get involved in the program with your suggestions of topics or workshops. Please feel free to contact Mrs Asmau Nitardy (, +49 30-206071943) to discuss your options.

Thank you for joining us on the 9th GAHF 2024 in Frankfurt am Main!